I need to be hypnotized....my kitchen is a mess

If you could take a picture of my kitchen (mind) it would look like this. So yes my kitchen is basically a bogey pie factory, actually I wish it was only a bogey pie its more like a double triple bogey pie, with some 3 and 4 putt on the side...makes for a very fat score...and I dont mean Phat as in good but fat as in throw your club and have a hissy fit. So for all you that are wondering I am talking about, its golf...not baking. How, tell me how, does someone shoot 56 on the front and 45 on the back...thats just sick ...SICK. So basically from shot to shot it seems that I can golf...I cant golf...Ican golf...I cant golf. If I string together 2 good shots its a freakin miracle. I shot 101 ....thats not a good lead in for my match play quaifier tomorrow. I think I need to get hypnotized , or maybe I need to exorcize the demons, but if I need a priest for that, I could be in trouble (see previous blog entries). You know when I drink I play well, , the problem for tomorrow is that I am running a 10k at 6:30, booze and running dont go well together.....unless is sprinting down the street and through a few back yards with campus police hot on your 6.

So to wrap up I need either a sports hypnotist or somebody to perform and exorcism.....anyone???


jackp said…
well choppy...

all you need...is ....practice...

practice makes perfect dude...

sorry...look at me and bobbysan...we're out there playing hockey...getting better every game....waiting for chop to join us!!

see ya latah..
whyioughtta said…
golf seems like the one sport where that rule falls apart. practice makes...no discernable difference, in golf. it just messes with your mind.

you have a good game, you're like, 'ha ha--looks like all that practicing is paying off'. next game, you're in the forest or the sand most of the time, thinking, 'practice has made no difference whatsoever to my golf score.'

that's golf. remember, it's the sport where you try to hit a tiny little ball with a tiny little stick very far distances without relying on strength and depending mostly on guess work. ahem, good times.

choppy, watched you come in at the 10K but couldn't find you afterwards. nice time...what was it, around 50 minutes, eh? that's awesome! of course, you ARE a Marathoner. lah-dee-dahhhhh :^)
superchop said…
the practice is in the mind .... they say golf is 90% mental and the other 10% is mental.....

and as far as the 10k vs marathon one took a quarter of the time but I think I dug just as deep for both. I certainly suffered more for the marathon, before and after, but the 10k requires you to tap into a different strength....sorry getting a little deep there, I have been watching memoires of a Geisha and that little girl dug real deep.... crazy shit....the things people do for love, what is love anyway, is it really something? or is it a period in time when we feel we have something that we cant do any better than....sceptical ...maybe, but with a 50% divorce rate I have a 50 50 chance at being right.
superchop said…
Haha ha hahahahah ha ha ...oh my that is the funniest..hahahahahahahahahaha thing hahahahahah I have ever hahahahahah heard ha ha ...ha ...ha, damn that was good, you have to love it when you get a good laugh like that ....
jackp said…
golf..darts...same thing...

i remember one morning i was hung over golfing with my dad...

i sliced the ball...and i had a revelation....like 'why the hell am i trying to put this little ball in a hole 500 yards away'...i wasn't into it at all that day...

it's like marbles, darts, skeet shooting, eye/hand shit...mind with body...solo effort...you gotta be into that mind space...it's searching for perfection and repetition of perfection...
jackp said…
love= a journey....

dig it?
superchop said…
I dig man, I like that analogy, it makes some sense, its still a fragile thing as some people don't travel well with others...lol. All jokes aside, LOVE = JOURNEY I like it.
jackp said…
yup...it's a lyric dude.

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