sometimes ducksare cool my eye on you baby.....


Anonymous said…
yeah, it's yer basic Aix sponsa.
jackp said…
? cool man....that head is crazy!!!

how close were you?
ni_de_montreal said…
are you freaking kidding me?
did you shoot this? i mean.. with your lens? i'm dying here. dai-ing. of impressedness. seriously. award-winning, neville-san. SO impressed.
jackp said…
superchop said…
Thanks dudette, ya I took that pic, it was on the pond in the Glebe...when you get down low to the water you get the reflection of the trees on the oposite side of the water.
superchop said…
the duck was pretty close, but I was using my new lense 75mm - 300mm, its a wood duck... btw

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